From Technology Scepticism to Success with Change Management

An array of new cleaning technologies and digital tools are available and ready to use. These technological advancements can effectively tackle staff shortage and the increased demand for cleaning quality caused by Covid-19. But fully embracing digitalisation and technology can be challenging as they disrupt the working routines. Both you and employees often have concerns about implementation time and job displacement. But behold! There are effective strategies to solve these issues through step-by-steps and change management. Let’s delve into these issues and explore potential solutions. Addressing Employee Concerns and Misconceptions about Technology and Digitalisation The quickest way to failure when implementing new technology is to sideline your employees. If you’re aiming for failure, simply enforce changes without involving those who will be directly affected, and watch the project go down the drain. But you want the opposite, of course, so you should do the opposite. To successfully counter employee concerns regarding technology and digitalisation, the first crucial first steps are fostering understanding and communication. Listening to employee concerns and misconceptions provides an overview for constructive action. You can benefit from listening to your employees in their day-to-day work and discussing potential improvements. This will give employees co-influence. For example, conduct […]

Attracting the Young Generation to the Cleaning Industry

One major challenge facing cleaning companies today is attracting and retaining the young generation. To stay relevant in modern times, the industry should embrace environmental- and social sustainability. They also need to address the less favourable aspects of cleaning jobs, while also promoting the positive impacts cleaning has that people tend to forget. Why the Cleaning Industry has to Change The cleaning industry is in a labour shortage, particularly with younger workers. Data from the British Cleaning Council reveals that the percentage of cleaning staff under 25 is significantly lower than in other sectors across the UK. Additionally, there is a much higher percentage of people over 55 in the cleaning industry. The difference may stem from the negative perception of cleaning work as low-skilled, low paid, with little career opportunity and workplace well-being.  To attract younger employees, the industry must shift its narrative. This requires reflection and action. Cleaning companies need to reflect and determine the most important issues and act on it. Otherwise, companies will increase the labour shortage when their employees start to retire and no young workers want to replace them. This requires knowledge of what younger generations seek in a job. They value sustainability, opportunity […]

Social Sustainability and Its Positive Impact on Your Cleaning Business

The cleaning industry has a huge shortage of qualified workers and needs new ways to attract staff. This is one of the reasons why cleaning companies need to consider social sustainability. Both employees and clients are demanding a stronger focus on social responsibility, because the future regards the wellbeing of everyone. But how can your cleaning business implement social sustainability, and what are the benefits? Understanding Social Sustainability: The S in ESG ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. These three parts serve as benchmarks for assessing a company’s environmental impact, social contributions, and governance practices. ESG reports are published annually to report results and to motivate the company to improve the numbers during the next year. It also demonstrates achievement to key stakeholders such as clients, employees, and investors. Now, let’s go back to the topic of social sustainability, which prioritises principles and policies of people. Companies are encouraged to contribute positively and focus on the wellbeing of individuals. Social sustainability covers several areas, including health and safety, diversity, wages, equality, and education.  Every company in the world affects society through its approach to diversity and equality in the workforce. Positive impacts are seen when companies e.g. hire minorities […]

A Quick Crafting-Guide for the GHG Account and Green Cleaning Practices

This blog takes you further into environmental sustainability and GHG account, by giving you ideas for goals and sustainable initiatives your cleaning company could take to meet your sustainable goals. Furthermore, we give you an overview of important factors of the GHG account and how to formulate a report on GHG. What to Know Before Creating the GHG Account: Scopes and KPI The global, standardised measurement is called the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), where every company reports their collected climate footprint. The creation of an annual GHG account is time-consuming, but the first time is the most difficult because the CO₂ data needs to be sought from scratch. Next year, you have a starting point. There might be changes in method, results, and goals, but then you have your template from last year. Here is a guide on what to report and which goals could be realistic and useful for a cleaning company: What to Report: Scopes The three scopes are a categorisation of a company’s different types of emissions and wider value-chain. They are used in the GHG protocol and account for the total CO₂ emissions of a given company. The 3 scopes according to the Office for National […]

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Cleaning with a Conscience: Uncovering Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability benefits your cleaning company and helps you stay competitive. Many companies report a GHG account annually, explaining their environmental impact and sustainable measures. It is not only becoming a requirement, but it also gives a significant advantage when attracting clients and investors. But what are the rules for reporting your company’s emissions, and what is an ESG report?  Understanding the Importance of GHG Account and Environmental Sustainability Embracing environmental sustainability positions your business favourably in the eyes of investors, clients, and other stakeholders who increasingly value eco-conscious operations. It is not only valued, but is becoming a requirement with the so-called ESG reports. Environmental sustainability is the practice of using sustainable and renewable sources to counter climate changes. The point is to sustain and protect the environment, and not overheat the planet with fossil fuels. Focusing on environmental sustainability means having a GHG account, to show how your company minimises the CO₂ emissions.  All companies directly or indirectly emit CO₂, because they buy or sell products, or provide services. Companies need to account for this, which is done as a GHG account. GHG stands for greenhouse gas, and is a system and protocol for recalculating everything into CO₂ […]

Keeping Up with Rising Costs: How to Present the Right Cleaning Price

Setting the right cleaning price for a client can be a daunting task. What if they choose a cheaper competitor, or I underbid myself? The reality is that inflation, a rise in wage, and unforeseen expenses may force you, at some point, to raise your service price. In this article, we guide you on how to have a successful conversation about price increases with your client, and how improvements in your cleaning business can be arguments for said price raise. Why Raising Rates are Critical for Your Business’ Survival: A Deep Dive into the UK Economic Landscape Many events have affected the UK economy during the past few years, with increases in various expenses. As a consequence, every cleaning business needs to reevaluate and set the right cleaning price to continue earning a sustainable profit. The Political Influence on the Cleaning Industry’s Economy An immediate reason for raising and setting the right cleaning service price now is the increase in the National Living Wage, effective April 2024. The UK Government has increased the national living wage by almost 10%, in pounds, from £10.42 to £11.44. Even if you paid your staff more than this, the general rise creates pressure to […]

Mastering the Art of Quotation: Calculating the Right Price for Commercial Cleaning

Getting your prices just right is a bit like preparing a proper British roast. Too much heat, and you risk turning away potential customers. Too little, and you’re simply underselling your hard-earned expertise. The ideal price? Now, that’s the golden roast potatoes of your Sunday dinner. Price it right or pay the price! As a cleaning company, nailing down the perfect price for your commercial cleaning services can be a make-or-break deal. It’s all about crafting the right commercial cleaning quotation. Stop shooting in the dark and hoping for the best. It’s time to crunch the numbers and calculate with confidence. In this article, we’ll unleash the secrets to help you determine the correct price for commercial cleaning. Get ready to level up your pricing game and watch those profits soar! Indeed, the simplicity of business boils down to this – your income should outpace your expenses. But, how can you provide a commercial cleaning quotation if your costs are a mystery? Guess and hope? If so, you’re not alone! The cleaning sector is its own beast, unique in its pricing and operations. Varied tasks, different frequencies, and occasional extras can make things complex. Price fixation is rife, and many […]

Is Your Cleaning Insurance Fit For Purpose?

The thought of organising insurance cover sends many of us into a fit of panic, or causes a collective rolling of the eyes. Yet doing your homework and ensuring that you’ve selected the right policy and cover, could be the difference between your business continuing to trade and you not being able to fulfil your clients’ requirements. Robbie Spear, Director at Gleaming Insurance, talks us through why spending time researching your options is crucial, and makes sound business sense. It is often said that an insurance policy (business, home, motor etc), and by default an insurance company, is only of real value when you need to make a claim. And, whilst a claim under your home or car insurance policy can be inconvenient and, in some circumstances, quite emotionally traumatic, it’s pretty unlikely that it will effect your livelihood and/or jeopardise the reputation and standing of your business. What do you need to consider? When it’s time to start reviewing the insurance cover required for your cleaning business (ordinarily, it’s advisable to start doing this around 30 days before your renewal date), there are some things that you absolutely need to consider… Firstly, what are the risks in my business […]

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